that's what little boys are made of.
I went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was high, so she sent me to have a sonogram to check the baby's fluid levels, etc. Before the sonogram began, I jokingly said to the nurse, "Just let me know if the baby has changed from a girl to a boy." So we are looking at the baby (we = my mom and me...Richard is in class)...fluid levels are fine, breathing is fine, heartbeat is perfect. Then the nurse says, "Yep, it's a boy." At that moment, I scream, "WHAT?!" Then the nurse shows me the definite proof that our sweet little girl was in fact a sweet little boy. I being to laugh and cry all at the same time...quite loudly. The other nurses thought that I was in pain. Since I was the only patient in there at the time, I quickly became the talk of the office. I then returned to my doctor's office (with lower blood pressure). She told me that in all of her 20+ years of practice, this has never happened. I love being the exception! I am now home on bed rest and I have to go back to the doctor on Thursday.
For the 1st time, I love Babies 'r us. They took back our girly travel system without a box and fully assembled! We now have a very masculine stroller and carrier. We went to Target and bought a few pieces of clothing. Erin has found cute bedding in Birmingham and is bringing it with her tonight. She is coming to stay with me just in case we have to have this baby on Thursday.
Richard and I have gone through a grieving process. Don't worry though, we will eventually have a daughter, so all is not lost. I just hate having to pack up the cutest nursery ever! I have unpacked the dresser and the closet to store until a little girl is born. Her blog has been deleted as well.
So what are we going to name this little boy? Well, after much discussion, Richard and I have decided on Carter Harrison Swayze. We will call him Carter. It's still so surreal to say the words "his" and "him." I can't believe we are having a son and we only have 3 - 7 days to get used to that idea! I am now the minority of our family...Richard, Carter and Tobey vs. me! I don't stand a chance!