Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bye-Bye Halo

(Note: When I was typing the title of this post, I had the tune from "Bye-Bye Birdie" in my head.)

Some of you may not know this, but when we decided to move to Vaughan, we invariably sacrificed a couple of amenities. One being a quick trip to, well, anywhere. Kroger, CVS, and that once-a –month Wal-Mart trip will have to be made on the way home from school (in Flora) via Madison to avoid the extra hour round-trip to buy milk or whatever. The other, and Richard would say more important, that I want to bring up is our Internet service. Since we are out in the middle of nowhere, we are forced to use our satellite provider for our Internet access. Since the Internet connection will be slower, Richard will have to give up his world of Xbox Live. Richard has 2 weeks left with his Halo friends. (I have always been thankful that Richard’s escape took him to our living room floor and not to the local bar.) I can only feel a bit sad, as I sit on the couch writing this with the sounds of capture the flag in the background, for his ending his access to his other life. TheArtistSwayze may have to retire for now, but Swayze, the artist, will be working hard during his “free time” in the country.

To add some humor to this post, I would like to share some observations from watching Richard play Halo 3. For the first time, he is letting the audio from the other players to come through the speakers on our television. I am amazed at how funny these guys are. I guess it would be the equvalent to listening in on your husband/boyfriend's conversation with a bunch of his friends in any situation. (Except for the constant "One in lobby." "One in open." "Sword in lobby." "I'm dead." statements.) I can tell when the other guys' wives/girlfriends call them away from the game. It makes me smile. :) I have to be honest when I say that I have never really understood what the big deal is about Halo. However, I am positive that Richard would say the same thing about sewing. :)

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

This video is 8 minutes long, but it's worth it! God's love is amazing. I have been blessed.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Swimming lessons

Carter has NO fear when it comes to the swimming pool. (Note to self: Never get swimming pool.) My mother or Richard always had to be on the side of the pool, since Carter would want to get out of the pool, just to walk/jump back in to me. Here are some photos from our swimming fun and pictures of Carter in his swimming outfit before Grammy took him to the pool the next day (as we are painting the new house).