Monday, September 25, 2006

Pregnancy update

This past weekend, Richard and I attended childbirth classes. I think I can safely say that we both had a good time. We were one of four couples. The other couples included the hippie couple, the 2 doctors, and the high-risk couple. Everyone was so sweet! Anyway, here are a few things that we learned in class.

1. Induction = 50% chance of having a c-section. (Guess talking my doctor into inducing on the 23rd is out.)
2. If I reach 8cm without getting an Epidural, I don’t get one. (Must get to the hospital early.)
3. Wait time in OB receiving at Wiser can last up to 2 hours.
4. Newborns only have to be bathed 2-3 times a week. (I’m not following this one.)
5. It is important to have “Preggie Pops” available for nausea.
6. Eat and shower before heading to the hospital.
7. Personalize your experience. (I will be making a labor and delivery mix on my iPod.)

I went to the doctor today. (Haven’t dilated anything yet and we do not expect Syd’s arrival this week.) When my doctor was measuring my stomach, Sydney was poking her but in the air. So I am assuming she gets the “showing her butt” trait from me. Then the doctor checked Syd’s heartbeat and said “She’s just laid back and mellow.” My reaction to that was, “Great. She’s going to be just like her daddy.”

Friday, September 08, 2006

MC Library 0, Me 2

So MC's library sent me a letter saying I had an extremely overdue book and if it wasn't returned in 10 days I was going to have to pay 50 dollars to have it replaced. I however, had kept excellent track of all of the books that I checked out for my research paper and knew that I had returned it. I also knew that one of the student workers had checked my account after that class was over and told me that I had returned all of my books. So I went to the library about 15 minutes ago, looked on the shelf for where the book was supposed to be and there it was!!! I win!!!! Library loses!!!! Oh, and I'm also using the WiFi connection in the library to post about this so I win again!!!!!


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Surprise Baby Shower

Yesterday, the Pharmacy Department threw me a surprise baby shower. I don’t know how they planned the whole thing without my knowing! They were so sneaky! I even scheduled our conference room (which is directly behind me) for the event; however, my friend Demetra told me that she was having a staff meeting at that time. So, when the window to the conference was covered with a garbage bag, I knew something was up, but never questioned anything. Then, Josie and Demetra showed up in my office. Funny thing is- Josie is on bed rest. (She is pregnant with twin boys and is due 6 days before me.) Then the two of us were escorted into the conference room, when there was food and decorations and presents everywhere! They had split the room decorations in half. My side was pink, Josie’s side was blue. Even the cake was decorated half pink and half blue. It was great! We took turns opening gifts and everyone celebrated with “ooo” and “awe”. We had a really nice time. I felt blessed.