Thursday, March 29, 2007

Corrie's twin

Corrie's twin came into the office today. It freaked me out and I couldn't stop looking at her. Let's compare the two. The first picture (acquired from facebook) is a picture of the girl from today. She is on the left.

Now, here is a current picture of Corrie (she's on the right for those of you who don't know her).

Isn't that amazing?! This girl is even an Ole Miss graduate. Strange, huh? It's like Erin having a class with Emily M. Welch while we were in school. My name is Emily N. Welch. The other Emily was only a year younger than me.

Everyone has a twin. Have you met yours?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Fun at Aunt Erin's house

Check out my video (it's long but worth it):

Monday, March 19, 2007

Look at me!

Here I am enjoying squash, one of my favorite vegetables, and a day in the sun!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

other baby

That other baby won't come play with me!!!!