Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I never expected there to be two lines! But as I looked at the pregnancy test on the counter I realized that the unexpected just became reality. I called the doctor the next day (Valentine's Day) to make an appointment. Thinking that it could be a kidney infection, I waited about 3 days and took another pregnancy test (different brand). This time there was a plus sign screaming at me, "You're pregnant!!" Well, today I went to see my doctor. She decided that my due date would be September 23rd. So Richard and I are going to be parents! I wonder how tall he/she will be.


Trey said...

AAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! Congratulations!! I figured it wouldn't be too long, since everyone else seemed to have caught the pregnancy bug. Well, let the countdown begin! Of course, I hope you realize that September 23 is a home ballgame in Oxford. You might want to consider getting induced a few days early. ;)

cr said...

Yes, but consider that my birthday is September 21st. And Baby Swayze can't share my birthday. Why? Patriots Don't Question! That's why!

But, yea! Major congrats. You should move to Cananda because mat/pat leave is a year, instead of 6 weeks here in America.

Middle School Survivor said...

Do you get paid for the whole year of mat/pat leave? This would be a good thing to look into!!!

ginnybee said...

Whoa! February 21 is the same day I found out I was pregnant last year! How cool is that? We are so glad y'all caught the "pregnancy bug". Parenthood is amazing.