Sunday, March 19, 2006

new due date

We obviously cannot count, so we were a little off on the due date. Since having the sonogram, we have been informed that I am now due October 24th. This is 6 days after Richard's birthday and 8 days before Erin's birthday. So I have decided not to get either one a birthday present this year...other than a new son/daughter and a new niece/nephew. So mark your calendars for October 24th! I just hope he/she gets here as close to the due date as possible...I have a wedding to go to in November!!!!

1 comment:

Trey said...

You sure do have a wedding to go to in November! Mr. and Mrs. Taliaferro-to-Be don't want a lopsided wedding party! ;) Of course, I can't speak for them. I just want to see The Swayzes in person! It's been sooooo long!