Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Seriously, if you haven't jumped on the CVS bandwagon yet, you are missing out! I am so excited about my trip to CVS today. I would say I'm such a nerd for trying to be frugal, but with gas prices as high as they are, I have to do what I have to do!

(On a side note, I had a student today ask me what a "hybrid" was. Her family owns/runs an oil company.)

Here's what I got:

Before coupons and ECB's, the total was $33.90.

I only paid $1.63! AND I earned $27.93 in ECB's to use next time. I feel as though CVS is paying me to shop at their store.


Maggie said...

You bought all the colgate 360 brushes, didn't you? There were none last night!

Middle School Survivor said...

You looked in the wrong place! The Colgate 360's are not with the rest of the toothbrushes. They are in their own box at the end of the row that the baby stuff is on. I am sure they have plenty left. :)