Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Thad Cochran came to get me!!!!

So I guess ol' Thad Cochran saw my post about framing him because he showed up at the gallery today. I was just minding my own business reading 'the boondocks' when these black SUVs with tinted windows pull up out front. Then these big guys in suits jump out and come in and check everywhere, holding their hands to their ears to listen in on their mics.....wait a minute!!!!....those are Agents!!!! Where's Morpheus when you need him?! Just kidding. There were no SUVs and suits. Just Thad in a rental car. And he didn't come to see me, he just came to get some prints of the portrait that Wyatt had painted of him. He hadn't even heard of me and my framing of him (I know b/c I asked....not really). But I still got to meet Thad Cochran, one of the most, if not the most powerful Senator in Congress. He's in charge of appropriations (appropriations = money = power). I may not agree with him politically but he was a nice guy. He talked about his grandkids and how he hated to see LSU beat Ole Miss in football.

Hmmm...I just tried to post some pictures but it "couldn't find the server." I'll try next time.


1 comment:

The Humanity Critic said...

Just passing through, I'm liking the blog by the way.