Tuesday, January 10, 2006

One more time

Here is our first Christmas tree (notice the down comforter bed skirt). And a watercolor of the side of my grandparent's house........Hopefully.

We register for classes this week. On my agenda is printmaking, curriculum development, and figurative watercolor painting. And in case you were wondering, no, there are no nude models in art classes at MC, Christian college ya know. The professors are talking with administration to see if we can at least get models in bathing suits or tights.

We had air-popped popcorn in our brand new air-pop popcorn popper (say that 3 times fast). It was bought with the gift card I found in my wallet last week. I didn't even know it was there. I'm cleaning my wallet out more often!!!


1 comment:

Trey said...

What a great family photo, and great art, for that matter! I want to come visit sometime in the next 2-3 months. The plan would be to see the two of y'all, as well as some friends from high school. So, start glancing at the calendar to get an idea of what weekends are good or not good. :)

So, what was the outcome of the bathing suit models?