Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Senseless yammering

I was wearing one of my aqua teen hunger force t-shirts tonight and realized how much i have missed the adult swim block of tv on cartoon network. so here are some fun quotes from some of my favorite episodes:

"don't put that wet towel on my computer!"
"i'm gonna!"
(that one's for corrie)

"have you seen a woman in a bikini around here?"
"you mean the beer promo from the liqour store?"
"um yeah."

"rabbit troop sucks!"
(another one for corrie)

anyway, another watercolor posted, this one of ventress hall at ole miss. and a woodcut posted. not telling you what it means, you gotta do that for yourself. it's up to you to decide if it means anything, as with all art.



Trey said...

Look at the lovely Ventress-ness. :) How...lovely. And, with respect to the Patriot thingy, I'm guessing that if Patriots don't question, they must answer. Answer what, you ask? That's a good question, which, in turn, would mean you're not a patriot. Shame on you. However, since I have the answer to your question, that might make me a patriot, but it's not for sure. I mean, all patriots may be answerers, but all answerers may not be patriots. Right? Well, it's a moot point, because I am a patriot. Go Patriotism! And, back to your question. What do patriots answer? They answer the call...the call of the wild, just like dogs. So, patriots are like dogs, how sad. I'm like a dog. What a depressing revelation to stumble upon. Man, how introspective your art makes me!

So, I am trying to get into the whole blogposting thing. It's slow-go, but I'm trying. As such, dear friends, feel free to peruse:

Oh, and have y'all been faithful American Idol watchers thus far? I hope so.

corrie said...

Trey, my word, stop with the crazy! You been eating retard sammiches?

Swayze, I'm so impressed with the art! Wish I could see it in person, though... when are you kids coming to visit me?

cr said...

Swayze, your amazing! Keep up the good work. WOW. Look how long it took me to get here and post. I'm ashamed. Maybe that's because I'm not a Patriot? I'm not sure how that works, really.

So, I started playing FFX-2 the other day, and I was reminded of you. Maybe you should paint the girls in that game. You can put it over your mantle. I'm sure Emily will love it.

Middle School Survivor said...

FFX-2 is the worst FF game ever made. Never speak of it again. If you do I'm gonna sic Bahamut on your little Wakka butt!