Friday, September 08, 2006

MC Library 0, Me 2

So MC's library sent me a letter saying I had an extremely overdue book and if it wasn't returned in 10 days I was going to have to pay 50 dollars to have it replaced. I however, had kept excellent track of all of the books that I checked out for my research paper and knew that I had returned it. I also knew that one of the student workers had checked my account after that class was over and told me that I had returned all of my books. So I went to the library about 15 minutes ago, looked on the shelf for where the book was supposed to be and there it was!!! I win!!!! Library loses!!!! Oh, and I'm also using the WiFi connection in the library to post about this so I win again!!!!!


1 comment:

Trey said...

The Library must be defeated!!!!!! Rain terror down upon them!