Friday, March 07, 2008

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Let me remind you of the first major incident that occurred at our daycare.

Carter "fell" or "tripped" or whatever. I never got a straight story about this one. Carter still has a scar from this "accident."

Now, here is why we pulled Carter out of his daycare:

What you are looking at are the marks left on Carter after 4 continuous days of "children" in his daycare class biting him. From what I was told earlier, it has been just one child. Again, I cannot get a straight answer from these people. Since the daycare decided to implement a new "biting policy," the child who is doing the biting is allowed in interact with the other students for up to 3 weeks without removal.

I am sure that the other parents that read this blog will agree that we cannot continue to send Carter to a daycare that does not have his best interest at heart. I cannot send my child somewhere that I do not have the guarantee that he will be safe everyday.

Now I understand that accidents happened, but if your daycare does not have a plan on how to stop the biting from happening and only a policy on what to do once it happens, this seems backwards to me. Obviously, an 8 to 1 ratio is too high for a one-year-old classroom. Obviously, the class needs to be smaller, or there needs to be more than one daycare worker in the room at all times.

We did leave without notice and I am hoping that they try to get the "money owed to them" from us. I would love for the Clarion-Ledger, DHS, BBB, WLBT, etc. to hear about the child neglect and abuse that is allowed within the walls of Old Fannin Preschool.


Middle School Survivor said...

M: I do not blame you for recommending us to this daycare. We love you and we know that you would never have suggested that we send Carter to the daycare if you did not believe that we would be happy with our experience.

Trey said...

Oh my gosh! Poor Carter!! Good for y'all cutting and running!

Maggie said...


Bless his little heart. And bless your and Richard's hearts, too. My stomach is turning over and over. I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry.

Richard Swayze said...

Carter is doing a lot better! We decided to open a Daddy Day Care in our home (sorry, we only have room for one child) at least until the end of this school semester. Then we'll be sending him to a daycare closer to Emily's job in June. Which also means Daddy can stop applying to Starbucks and Best Buy (really, I have a Master's Degree and Starbucks wouldn't hire me. I would have been an amazing barista! but I might be doing some writing on the side for the Jackson Free Press for art openings and maybe even...*gasp* game reviews). So hopefully the weather will warm up a bit soon and we can go to a park.
